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2006-04-20 21:38:28
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Welcome to the bored wiki !


Welcome to the bored wiki , every one is welcome here...if you would like to become a member just go to the link below (bored wiki members )and add you name at the bottom of the list...if you have any questions message me,my username is [deathly ~*~ beautiful] or [FireWing].Thank you.


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Owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

Asst. Manager:[FireWing]


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mystic circle -owner:[scarletdeath]
ghost hunters -owner:[THEHOBBITEDONE]
Cutters Poetry-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]
gothicDepression fan club -owner:[Celtore]
bleeding hearts -owner:[Celtore]
People of the Heartagram-owner:[FireWing]
What Love Truely Is-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]


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[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

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2005-07-12 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke bye bye

2005-07-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im back yall..bye felumal..

2005-07-12 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im here to

2005-07-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey*walks in and sits in the same corner from earlier and puts a flashing sign with an arrow point to me saying "dont step on me!!!"*

2005-07-12 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: *looks at silence and smiles* ''wat i said i was sorry''

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i know ,just incase you didnt see me aain i put up a

2005-07-13 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: lol oke good but now the corner isand dark any more

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,yeah i guess so..

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: death comes to those who breathe in his presence for they disturb his being and it displeases him a great deal muwahahaha

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: so death since death has arrived, is death bored also, hi Silence i like your flashing sign.

2005-07-13 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: wut flashing sign where

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,hey ppl im back!...wait is anyone here or am i talking to my self again?..damn..

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: isn't that always the way

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah,unfortunatly*sighs*

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: hola i have returned to sit in my corner again but instead im sitting by the window dont kno y

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,hey babe,whats up?

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: not much how bout urself

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: eh im just mad at a guard..

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: well just calm down so u dont explode

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: too late you should have seen the message i just sent to the guard..

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: oh not good wut if they like ban u fo a lil while or something

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no ,i have calmed down a little bit and they are being nocew again and now it isnt and arguement it is a discussion told him i didnt want to be banned and that im just trying to fight for what i think is right,and he understands that and everything..

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: i understand

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok goo,some one does..

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: yup me

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,im glad,you always do..*smiles*

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: of course i do

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i love you..(damn it friking fuard wont stop!!he is contradicting his self and he cant see it)

2005-07-13 [hardyboy2000]: hey ig2g i love u but my mind is warping out and i need to kool off k love u bye

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok babe,i love you take care,and dont hurt your self..

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey im still alife ppl (i know bummer ah)

2005-07-14 [Viperess]: glad to hear that

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel whi juse that alot here in holland ive i call me friend ore if the call me whi start with so your still alife and the other pursen normaly ansers with yes im still alife bummer ah

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey everyone*sighs* today has been so stressful,hopefully everything will be settled soon..

2005-07-14 [Viperess]: yea bummer, so everything is fine then. Did you beat the monster yet, or have you giving up.

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey silence wat's wrong ?:felumal, wel i just a special thing of the dress... escape so i didnt have to ficht him and i thot the lizard whuldef bin alot harder to beat but that was so easy

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im fine just tired of the guards..its this big thing that happened that doesnt invole anyone but cutters poetry members the guard and the council..

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: and wat happent ?

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i got into an agruement with a guard b/c he deleted my cutters poetry banner and now he is leaving elfpack,and i feel bad b/c i think i partially caused it.poor thing,wen i argue for something i believe in i dont give in untill i win..

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: *falls in through the door face first and doesnt get up or move*

2005-07-14 [Viperess]: I got mine deleted as well and so did all my friends, [yunalesca] had her whole discription page put into a wiki by the gaurds, beats the crap out of me why they would do that.

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wow that really wierd i thot there wure no rules here but 1 dont hares othere mambers so whi sude the care about a banner than ? :hey hardyboy152000 somting wrong

2005-07-14 [Viperess]: I don't get it, there are rules, but they are suppose to be lax and from what i am seeing, the rules don't apply to everybody.

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Ok well,me and richard are handleing the problem and we have went to the council,the poor guard i was arguing with decided to leave ep,poor guymi gave him a really hard time and was kinda mean to him arguing with him so much.But we are waiting for sunroses descion on our banners..

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: hello

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey babe*hugs chris*

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: hey

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: whats up hin?

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: hin?

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i meant hun,sheesh give me a break..

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: i kno just teasing ya babe

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: het ppl

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey only i can tease *grins naughtily*!!

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey gard..sup?

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel not mutch ive bin playing ff X-2 alod to day

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: and u silecne

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: hmpf

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: whats that about babe *walks over to chris*.......and um me i finally finished my driving time so i am finally officailly done with drivers ed...yay!

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: hmpf *sit heavily on gorund and closes eys*

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey that's gread

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thansk gard..*still concerned about chris i grab his hand in mine and ask*whats wrong? what is the "hmpf" about?

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: nothing just feeling wierd again

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: um...ok it started again when?

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: i think it started when i game here

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: no its just like s light bit of last ntesi cant understand it

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: [Wolf-Pack_NL] im sure it had nothing to do with you,and chris hun will you b ok?ive been getting queer feelings everynow and then im fact a few days ago i got one so bad i started to ry and i ouldnt stand up and anything it felt like i'd been shot there,ive had a similar one before,the day after me and john broke the 28th of june...

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey i didnt sat i got some thing to do with it i only mant that i think it started when i game here

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no you didnt it had absolutely nothing to do with you,you need not worry....

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke as you wichlol

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i guess..

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: so wat have you bin up to

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: nothing really..

2005-07-14 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: thats to bad

2005-07-14 [hardyboy2000]: yea it is

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *goes and lays in her corner and gets out a pen and spiral*gard this time please dont step on me..i dont want to put up the sign but i will..

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: lays down next to silence* wut u doing

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: writing a poem,or well more like thinking about what my next one is going to be about,god only knows i have tons about me and you...and i want to write about something new that i havent ever wrote about before

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: y is the sky blue?

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: i siad i was sorry fore that why do you ceep thinking im conna do it again

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: wut happens once gives it the liability to happen again whether by chance luck purpose or accidental

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: sorry just scientific theory

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: b/c the grass is green...*smiles*  and gard i am juct teasing you and giving you a hard

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: i know your teasing me......i takes alot more to get me mad so it dosant matter its oke

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok well im still laying down..from now on "look before you leap" ok?

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey when i know your around ill be gearfull

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok good *continues to stare into the sky thinking*

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke *gose out side and sits down on the grass*

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *observes gard and thinks abit to mysewlf*

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: *think to him self im being wacht, turns his head around and looks at silence way* "hey what's there to see,im not that interesting''

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: youre the only one in here,i have a habit of observing people..wathing them as they lie and speak honestly theyre body otions,that way i know and can readin to their character a bit more...

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel its easy to do that,hahhaha but wat do you think ife the do some thing you whulde not cound on ?

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im going t o bed im about to pass out and i still need to call hris.

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke ttyl than bye bye lol

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *walks in and sits in my corner far away in the dark*

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: *comes in and sees silence all alone* hey babe wuts wrong *sits down next to silenc and holds her tight*

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey hun,nothings wrong,just tired and a bit scared*snuggles up against hardy*

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: ok then *places arm around silence's shoulders and holds herclose*

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *rests against chris,*im sis woke me u telling me to pack things i need incese the hurricasne coes,then i took a shower hoping to wake me up,but now im just wet and

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: sounds like oh never mind that a perverted thought ill leave taht one alon

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol*hugs chris*you and your mind...*kisses chris on the cheek*

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: hey it aint my fault im like that sorry

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,its ok babe.

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: r u sure

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: positive,its not always

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: sweet as cake

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *kisses you*yes you are..

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: not as much as u though

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: if we werent in here...i would say something...*grins*

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: well message it to me then

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no,its wasnt important just...

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: well will u plz tell me though

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i dont remember what i was going to say but oh well...sorry..

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: well try to remember

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..and your point is?your were next to me earlier..and besides i own this plae...if i wanted i could delete comments...

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: u can?

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yes i can,you didnt know that?i have power above

2005-07-15 [hardyboy2000]: omg freaky came in and saw

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: how do you know?lol

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: is anyone here anymore? am i alone again?

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im here

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: *still sitting out side on the grass*

2005-07-15 [Viperess]: So am I. *whistles happily*

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: good to know there still ppl here *lookt up at the ky*

2005-07-15 [Viperess]: *plops down, wraps tail around neck and looks up* So what's up?

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey everyone,im not alone again..yay!

2005-07-15 [Viperess]: thats great. *cheers*

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hahah silenec your never alone *wel there's nothing in the sky *

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why were you looking in the sky? and the tought of never being alone scares me...what about when im in the shower?is someone watching me that i dont know about *shudders*

2005-07-15 [Viperess]: Yep, knew what you mean, sometimes it feels like i'm being spied on.

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im looking in the sky fore ansers. wel not than i mean your never alone here

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: umm...roght.i sence a persence in the room sometimes..and i turen around and there is nothing..

2005-07-15 [Viperess]: i see shadows from the corner of my eyes, and when i look there is nothing there, sometimes i think i'm losing my mind, but i know that i'm not.

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no mine i feel some one is there and they really arent,i think its that spirit thing again..

2005-07-15 [$*Miss Addi*$]: hey everybody im back lol

2005-07-15 [Viperess]: I know what you mean, trust me, i really do. 

2005-07-15 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel whi have 3 spirit here in my house i know there here bechouse i can feel tham and normaly there 2 that are ol was fishiting me in my room and there alot going on the house like shadows ore a figure of a man ore animol pases you .but most of the ppl that gome here dont even see tham ore feel that there here

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: thats cause most people only see what they want to see. . 

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel the just need to open there minde fore new and old things

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: they are like horse's, put blinders on them and they only see whats in front of them.

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well i out a protection spell on myself so i know they ant harm me but they can annoy

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel i hade a g/f and when she game here in my room she lookt like she was carde i askt hur wat wrong she tolt me there was some budy thanding behinde me i siad to hur yea i know and i gafe a discription,but the wierd thing is i can only see tham as a black figure ore shadow but some how i know wat he was wearing and the colors of the close

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: they are like imps, always mischievous.

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel the 2 that olways fichit me are cool there just sittingon my chouge ore desk chear ore 1 stitting on my bed looking out side teh window fore some reson but there olways here and olway beheafing

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: I have a little one that follows me where ever i move, she's cool, never does anything bad, when i walk in the dark, she grabs onto my nighty and hold on. Then theirs the one who says hello, she's about 16, as spends her time going from the bath room to my nieces room, sometimes she'll peek at me while i'm sitting her at my pc.

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: thats cool but i dont know why the 2 are olways here in my room my ex g/f tolt me 1 thinks im interesting he even folows me to the pub

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: bbl..

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: maybe he likes you, or maybe its that your inner light is so bright, they can't help but to be drawn to you.

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel my inner licht is dark when ppl meat me on the street the just cant help it but respeckt me ther a really easy way to know that

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: it may be dark to the living, but to the dead it's very bright.

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel no not really i have this thing its really wierd . when im in the woods i feel at home and when its drak i feel full of energie and when im in the woods at night with a full moon than its like im a werewolf i hear every thing i see every thing i have totaly no problem runing trow the woods than its like i olready know where i am. so its like im a werewolf than and those creatures are frome the dark side so there inner licht is dark to

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: thats true, do you howl at the moon, a friend of mine does all of the time.

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel some times i feel like doing that but than i supress that feeling and than i just dont do it

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey im back..

2005-07-16 [Viperess]: my friend says that it sets his inner beast free, and then again he's usually drunk when he howls. LOL

2005-07-16 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey silence: hahaha oke but i dont howl at the moon done it 1ce and 2 friends where with me the said i really sounde as a wolf howl

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: question!if a guard deletes something from your house should it mess up some of your info?b/c all of a sudden i got an email saying i was offline and got a new message and my name was typed moses ashley instead of the right way,the way i typed it,ashley moses and my civil status was changed,that is the only things i noticed but this is weird,some one changed it and the only ppl that could would be a guard...b/c no one knows my password but me...

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,well trhen the guard did it,lol,b/c i kept arguing with him over and ever again,and i argued woith him so much he decided to take a vacation from ep,so can i report him?i have a friend who is a guard i will first talk to him...

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: later...

2005-07-16 [hardyboy2000]: hey babes

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey chris,lol...he wqas talking to me evil

2005-07-16 [hardyboy2000]: ok then strange

2005-07-16 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: ello all

2005-07-16 [individual thought]: allo

2005-07-16 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: its good to be back , how is every oner

2005-07-16 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: its good to be back , how is every one

2005-07-16 [individual thought]: double post

2005-07-16 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: comp glitched

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i can delete one if you anyways nice to have you

2005-07-16 [$*Miss Addi*$]: hey everybody how r yall......does anybody in here have aim

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i dont..have any of them..

2005-07-16 [$*Miss Addi*$]: oh k its aight......damnit i need 2 be on aim

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,sorry i dont have iot which reminds me i ned to ask dad to get it...

2005-07-16 [$*Miss Addi*$]: lol its k ma dont worri about it...ill just have 2 wait until i get back 2 jax 2 go aim ...damnit...i hate that

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well i have a choice to download only one and i dont know which one i can pick..

2005-07-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hello?marco?no one is here..*walks to the corner and sits down quietly*

2005-07-17 [Heart of a Lover]: polo?

2005-07-17 [individual thought]: *poke*

2005-07-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey whats up,my computer is going really slow..

2005-07-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey evil hat!!

2005-07-17 [jadffadsijo]: evil hat??? ok im lost..

2005-07-17 [hardyboy2000]: blah blah blah *sits in corner putt head between kness looking down*

2005-07-17 [THEHOBBITEDONE]: hey every body

2005-07-17 [Celtore]: *walks over and hugs Chris* Whats wrong?

2005-07-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey ppl,and xue...well i think your gone ppl..if your i alone again?damn..

2005-07-17 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im here

2005-07-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: now..

2005-07-17 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: yea NOW

2005-07-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..yeah im depressed so im not in a talking mood..sorry..

2005-07-17 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: lol,wel some times talking help's than

2005-07-17 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: but sometimes you just dont want to..

2005-07-18 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: just leave me alone for now..*walks over to the corner and curls up in a ball*

2005-07-18 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: as you wich

2005-07-18 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: sorry i dont mean to sound like a bitch im just not in a good mood...

2005-07-18 [hardyboy2000]: yea its cuz of me oo

2005-07-18 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: silence i under stand and i dodnt mean it in abad way even ife it did sounded like it but i leave ya alone now but ceep in minde ife ya need to talk about some thing im here :hey hardyboy wat did ya do man ?

2005-07-18 [hardyboy2000]: just shut up i aint in the mood to talk to the likes of u im in a very fucked up state right now and im pissed and depressed at the same time and confused im in fucking love with her but ill never be able to be with her and it sux worse than anything i cant take this life any more i have to make a change

2005-07-18 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: not everything is about you chris..i have other things that are boithering me too.

2005-07-18 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: that was a bit mean ..sorry..

2005-07-18 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey i know wat your going truwe but that no resone the ackt like that i my self hade it 2ce so i know how u feel

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